Xel-Há is a true paradise for nature lovers and an amazing natural
aquarium. It is located in the Riviera Maya, Quintana Roo, Mexico,
and since 1995 it is a model for sustainable tourism development,
with unique family attractions.
The ancient Mayas baptized this wonderful site with the name Xel-Há,
which in the Mayan language means “where the water is born”.
Due to its privileged location, during pre-Hispanic times Xel-Há
served as an inner port, trading center, place of pilgrimage and
shelter for sailors, as well as being a food reserve during bad weather.
According to legend, Mayan gods joined together their wisdom, illusions
and love for beauty to create a place that would bring together the best
of nature, and that place was called Xel-Há.
Once created, the gods were so pleased with this heavenly place that they
decided to permit the entry of all mortals.
To take care of it and the elements that surround it, the gods appointed
three guardians: Huh, the Iguana, Guardian of the Land, Chuc
Kay, the Pelican, Guardian of the Air, and Kay Op, the Parrotfish, Guardian
of the Water. It is said that these guardians still protect and care for
the Park and everyone who comes to visit.

Xel Ha